Individual planning and ordering
maxgraft® bonebuilder is planned in close interaction between clinical users and botiss CAD-designers with multiple feedback loops to ensure an optimal fit. Communication is mainly done via email using the comment section on the specific order web page.

Mr. Goran Nikoloski +49 30 20 60 73 98 35
Ms. Gina Grosser +49 30 20 60 73 98 68
Ms. Kristina Domann +49 30 20 60 73 98 26
We offer the printing of individual 3D models.
For an individual offer or support, please contact us.
How do I order maxgraft® bonebuilder?
Log In – Create a new account – Enter a username, email address and postal address
Click on the button ‘Log In’ (in the top right corner of this page) – ‘Create a new account’ and enter a username and a frequently used email address, as all communication with the botiss CAD- designers regarding the individual planning and notifications for your specific order will be done through this channel.
After registration and creating a user account, you can upload the CT/CBCT data on the botiss server by clicking on the button ‘New Order’. All radiological data must be unlinked single-frame data images. Recommended is original resolution/voxel size [mm] 0.16-0.3 mm. The only file type suitable for 3D planning is DICOM (.dcm).
PLEASE NOTE: If you just would like to have advice regarding feasibility please leave a comment, if not we might charge a planning fee of 150 EUR + VAT in case a 3D-planning is prepared and no written order follows.
botiss virtually designs the patient-customized allogenic bone block based on the CT/CBCT scan using a 3D-planning software in interaction with the clinician. The designed bone block is matched to fit precisely onto the defect, creating sufficient bone volume for stable implant placement. Despite precise planning, the block may not fit as expected and minor manual adjustments might be necessary.
Technical limitations
Technical limitations may be based on poor data quality (e.g., artefacts which undermine a precise planning), an unclear defect surface caused by inaccurate transition between hard and soft tissue. The milling machine cannot create undercuts. Additionally, a minimum wall thickness of 3 mm in the middle of the block and 1 mm on edges and ridges is necessary to ensure a stable graft.
Timing of CT/CBCT scans/Biological limitations
For 3D planning, the most current patient scan needs to be used to achieve the best possible outcome. In patients with fresh extraction sites we recommend waiting for wound healing (at least three to four months) before generating a new scan due to tissue dynamics.
The design of maxgraft® bonebuilder needs to be checked thoroughly before production. Only the responsible surgeon knows the clinical situation of the patient (hard/soft tissue situation) and can estimate the right dimensions of the final bone block. The clinician receives a 3D PDF file containing the virtually constructed maxgraft® bonebuilder block to review the block design and measure its dimensions. The surgeon may request modifications until the design meets all expectations. For final design approval, please log in on, click on the button ‘My orders’, select your specific order, and click on the button ‘Confirm 3D model’.
The individual production can only start after final design approval and written order. After confirming the 3D model, please download the order form on the specific order page, fill in the written order form and send it to botiss (
The design data is transmitted to the Cells+Tissuebank Austria, the responsible tissue bank located in Krems, Austria. Each individual maxgraft® bonebuilder is milled from a processed allogenic cancellous block under cleanroom conditions, double-packaged and sterilized using gamma irradiation.
Delivery time is approximately four to five weeks after receipt of the order form. Depending on your country of origin, your order might be delivered and invoiced through the local botiss biomaterials distribution partner.

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